
You start by creating pages as Markdown files (.md) in the source folder (./src is the default, but you can change this). The markdown pages should contain the following front matter.

title: <title>

Your article content starts here.
  • title: string - The title of the page.

Info: Front Matter is the page its metadata.

Optional Front Matter properties are:

  • slug: string - If a slug is not defined, the title and current folder struture will be used. You can add the slug with our without .aspx file extension. The tool will automatically add it.
  • draft: boolean - defines if you want to publish the article during the publishing phase. Default: if not defined, the page will always be published.
  • description: string - the page description to add. Be aware: description is limited to 255 characters.
  • comments: boolean - with this setting you can enable/disable page commenting. By default this is disabled.
  • layout: Article | Home - defines which page layout you want to use. Default layout type is Article.
  • template: string - specify the title of the page template which you want to use for the current page.
  • header: HeaderOptions - defines how you want to render the header on the page.
    • type: Use one of the following values: None|Default|Custom. Default: Default.
    • image: Path to the image file you want to use in your page header.
    • altText: The image description.
    • translateX: X focal point of the header image.
    • translateY: Y focal point of the header image.
    • layout: Layout to use in the header. Allowed values FullWidthImage|NoImage|ColorBlock|CutInShape. Default: FullWidthImage.
    • textAlignment: How to align text in the header. Allowed values Center|Left. Default: Left.
    • showTopicHeader: Specify if you want to show the topic header above the title. Default: false.
    • topicHeader: Topic header text to show.
    • showPublishDate: Show the publish date in the header. Default: false.
  • menu: Menu- Defines where the page gets added to the navigation structure. Check: menu section.
  • metadata: Metadata - With this object you can set extra metadata for your page. Check: Metadata section.
  • localization: { [locale name]: relative path }[] - Defines the localization pages linked to the current page. Find out more at how to setup and use localization.
  • type: string - Specifies the type of page. Currently it supports only translation and should only be configured on localization pages. Find out more at how to setup and use localization.

When you want to create page to page links, you can provide the relative path from the current markdown file to the other markdown file (with or without the .md extension).

The menu property allows you to create a navigation structure for you static content. The Menu object has the following properties:

  • menu
    • QuickLaunch OR TopNavigationBar - Default is QuickLaunch
      • id: string (required) - Navigation id. This can be used to create a hierarchy in your navigation.
      • name: string (optional) - When this property is defined, it will be used for the navigation item title, otherwise the page title will be used.
      • weight: number (optional) - The weight of the navigation item. If you want to have it first or last.
      • parent: string (optional) - Defines the hierarchy of you page in the menu. If not provided, the items will be added to the root of the navigation. When defined, it should contain the id value of the parent page. You can also add multi-level navigation like: <parent-id>/<sub-parent-id>.

Important 1: During the publishing process, the navigation will be re-created each time.

Important 2: When using QuickLaunch you can only have three levels of navigation: Root/sub/sub-sub.

Example 1

The following page will be added to the root of the QuickLaunch after the already defined links.

title: Documentation
slug: documentation.aspx
draft: false

    id: documentation
    weight: 1

Write here the Doctor page content.

Example 2

The following page adds a subpage underneath the documentation link in the navigation.

title: Tools
slug: documentation/tools.aspx
draft: false

    id: tools
    weight: 1
    parent: documentation

Write here the tools page content.

Example 3

Defines a new page under the tools section:

title: Doctor
slug: documentation/doctor.aspx
draft: false

    id: doctor
    weight: 1
    parent: documentation/tools

Write here the Doctor page content.


Adding metadata for a page is fairly simple. You can do this by specifying the metadata object with corresponding field name and its value.

  <field name>: <value>


title: Home
slug: home.aspx
layout: Article
description: "The Doctor documentation homepage"

  Category: "Choice 1"
  SingleLineText: "Single line of text value"